7 Things That Actually Helped Grow My Business
1. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
The first step to growing my business was getting rid of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. This involved pushing past my comfort zone and stepping up as my most confident and radiant self. The journey to unwavering self-belief isn't always easy, but it's essential in paving the way to success.
2. Embodying Success
Secondly, I started embodying the version of myself that already had the clients and sales that I desired. This is more than just "fake it till you make it", it's about truly believing in your ability to achieve your goals and working diligently to make them a reality.
3. Refining Offers and Messaging
Another critical aspect was refining my offers and messaging. This involved continually testing them and making necessary adjustments. The important thing here is not to be afraid of making changes. Sometimes, you have to throw a bit of spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.
4. Utilizing Instagram Profile Visit Ads
While this may be controversial, Instagram profile visit ads have been extremely beneficial in my case. These ads helped me grow an authentic and engaged audience on a small budget. Social media ads can be a powerful tool for business expansion if utilised effectively.
5. Consistent Promotion and Selling
Consistently promoting and selling was another important factor. This means showing up, creating content, and selling most days. It's about being reliable and building trust and connection with your audience. Consistency is key in any business, and it's no exception here.
6. Working with Coaches and Using Mindset Tools
I also found huge value in working with my own coaches and using the mindset tools I have gained and use with my clients. Investing in personal and professional growth yields significant returns in the long run.
7. Being Uniquely Myself
Lastly, just being uniquely myself has played a huge role in growing my business. I am who I am, and I refuse to water it down. I believe in the power of authenticity and I know that my dream clients need me exactly as I am.
We don't like SPAM either. We will also never sell your information, for any reason.