Do you need a new marketing strategy?

business alignment marketing mindset personal development strategy

 Short answer... probably not! Or at least not right now. πŸ™…‍♀️

When I started my business I was already fairly experienced in Digital Marketing and Social Media. But I was convinced I needed a business strategy course to "make it".

Over the past few years, I have done a LOT of trainings and courses. I've invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into my knowledge. And I have sourced support from some super experienced marketers and business owners.

And while I loved them all, here's the thing... there's 1000 different ways to market and sell your offers. One expert will tell you to get on Tiktok and another will tell you Youtube is where it's at. Another will say it's the way you speak, another how your brand looks and feels. πŸ’‹

At the end of the day, what works for one person probably isn't the best fit for another. For a lot of reasons...A big part of it is the ENERGY and MINDSET behind the marketing and selling. ✨

You might think that your business isn't attracting your dream clients, or the sales floodgates aren't opening, because of your marketing, or what you're selling, or because you aren't trained in (insert whatever course you've been thinking about doing). But what's likely happening is there is a limiting belief hiding in your subconscious that's sabotaging your success!

Even if you REAAALLLY want the thing, our subconscious doesn't think it's safe and so will keep it from us until we work through the underlying belief, fear or negativity.

Don't fret my passionate biz bestie because our subconscious mind can be re-wired. And it doesn't have to take a lifetime! ⏳


So I want to ask you, what's the easier (and quicker) option? 

Re-jigging your entire business/marketing strategy, rebranding for the 5th time, purchasing ANOTHER course that you know is just going to tell you the same thing the last one did...


Remove the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from everything you want and just on the otherside of your already pretty great marketing and offer? πŸ”₯

Trust me when I say the answer is the latter. Now, you might not know how to remove a limiting belief, heck even figure out what it is in the first place! But a trained Mindset Coach can and that's where I come in.

So before you go and change everything in your business, send me a DM on Instagram and let's chat through how we can get your mindset rock solid and ready for the amazing timeline-collapsing results you're about to have. πŸš€

Or if you're ready to dive straight in, book a Business Mindset and Strategy Session with me!


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